Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ortega Happenings...

What's been happening in YOUR life? Share your news with the family by clicking "comment" at the end of this post.


Julianne said...

Bob and I just celebrated 26 years this past summer.
We are hoping to make it to Ortega Day 2010, our 60th family picnic.
God bless, and Merry Christmas to all. Cousin Julianne

Karyn Mari said...

We just had the best Christmas holiday - or at least equal to the best - none better!

Our little family gathered at my son Nicky's home for the day's events. It is the first time of my adult life (at least the first I can recall) of not having at least one big Christmas Day meal at our home. Nicky and Katy were the perfect hosts!The family laughed and played together all day - and a bit into the evening. We had homemade holiday treats, and store bought delights. We opened gifts, played games, watched TV, sang songs... Meanwhile, Nicky prepared 2 stunningly delicious holiday meals; brunch and dinner. We were there for 11 hours and didn't want it to end. Great Family Time! Great Family!

2008 has been extremely special. Our first grandchild, Riley Fiona, joined us this past August. Nicky and Katy are beautiful parents, Benjo is a devoted uncle, and Riley is a precious little angel who brought the greatest gift of all to this holiday celebration - Her Laughter and Giggles!

We counted our blessings, celebrated the light in our lives, and shared a true Christmas. Merry Christmas Family, and Happy New Year!

Michael James Franco

Michael James Franco
IN LOVING MEMORY 10/14/1946-08/31/2008
